Travel Cat
Mobile Application
The concept of this mobile application comes from the famous simulation mobile game Travel Frog. It is a game that player owns a pet frog, which likes to travel. Players need to prepare items like food and water bottle for the frog. After the frog finishing a trip, the player may have a chance of getting a postcard and souvenir from the frog.
In our application Travel Cat, there is a cat that needs to be taken care of. The player can interact with the cat by tapping the screen, while random responses will be given by the cat. One of the special features of our game is that if the player went to a specific place and get the location code of that place, the game interface will change and the player can view a new styling of the cat. Also, our application provides information about that place, our some suggestions for travellers. Including introducing the history, some tips for photo taking, things traveller should pay attention when travelling and the suggestion of places travellers can go nearby.
In the long run, we hope this game could be used in stimulating the local tourism industry. Motivating local people or travellers to explore Hong Kong and get different styling of the cat Also, it gives chance for visitors to learn more about the place that they visit.
1. Interaction function
In the interaction function, the player can tap on the cat teaser wand and see the response given by your cat.
2. Traveling function
In the travelling function, the player first needs to input the location code he or she found. If the player enters an invalid location code, an error message will show at the bottom. If it is a valid location code, it will go to the travelling page. Both functions have a back button which can let the player return to the homepage quickly.
In this travelling page, the background, the styling of the cat and the information provided are different according to the location code the player enters. When the player scrolls down, the player can check out the information of that location or some tips provided by us. At the left-top corner, it is the home button that the player can go back home quickly.
I am front-end developer and editor, mainly responsible for developing the user interface and writing the copy for the information display in the travelling page.
Illustrator and animator: Ning Lo